New server added: ClusPro AbEMap
The new ClusPro AbEMap webserver allows users to predict antibody epitopes with the structure of the antigen and the sequence of the...
New server added: ClusPro AbEMap
New server added: FTMove
ClusPro usage has been increasing at an unprecedented rate
Two new servers added: ClusPro TBM and LigTBM
The Vajda lab will evaluate the binding properties of protein models submitted to CASP14
The ClusPro protein-protein server is the best performer in CAPRI46-CASP13
New paper featured on the cover of February 2017 issue of Nature Protocols
New paper in Nature Protocols describing the FTMap family of web servers
ClusPro server tops the competition in the latest rounds of CAPRI experiment
Congrats to Eric Chen, Grand Prize winner of 2013 Google Science Fair
DNA mapping paper accepted by Nucleic Acids Research as a Featured Article
FTMap used to predict binding mode of anti-cancer agent